Women In Shooting Sports Report

Women In Shooting Sports Report


Shoot Like A Girl, the leader in growing the number of women in shooting sports, conducted an intensive study on participation of women in the shooting sports industry. They studied several disciplines including pistol, rifle and shotgun shooting, archery and hunting. Noteworthy, women are choosing to spend their recreational time in shooting sports, as the study showed, target shooting for fun was the leading activity across all disciplines



Shoot Like A Girl conducted research on Women in Shooting Sports.  Women were asked to participate in a survey to gather information on trends and product preferences. The survey included questions about their participation in shooting bows, pistols, rifles and shotguns; hunting; and product preferences (product results are redacted).  It asked questions about their memberships with clubs and organizations. The survey also asked respondents to give an explanation if they did not participate in a certain discipline, but wanted to. A total of 2,643 responses from women were received, giving the data a 99% confidence level, with a 2.6% margin of error.  The large sample size allows us to generalize the results to the total number of women who participate in shooting sports of 8,430,000[1], as reported by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.  Based on these numbers, the current growth in participation since 2015 is:

    • Archery participation by women up 58%, from 2,884,000 to 4,566,531
    • Pistol participation by women up 89%, from 3,884,000 to 7,345,059
    • Rifle participation by women up 171%, from 2,433,000to 6,613,335
    • Shotgun participation by women up 189%, from 1,996,000 to 5,771,178
    • Hunting participation by women up 57% from 3,445,000 to 5,425,548

Notably, this survey focused on participation rather than the motivation for purchasing products (SLG2, Inc. has separate survey analysis on motivation to purchase).  The report will influence product development and marketing for shooting sports manufacturers and businesses to best meet the needs of the fastest growing demographic in shooting sports.

[1]NSSF Report 2016-2017 Industry Reference Guide, www.nssf.org



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