This is a preview for a course that we offer.
Women continue to be the fastest growing demographic is shooting sports. Is your store meeting the shopping expectations of women? So far, in 2019, over 2000 women have participated in Shoot Like A Girl’s interactive introduction to firearms in the mobile range. Data collected from those women show that within three weeks of their experience, 5% buy more than one gun and 5% by a gun. A total 72% of commit to buying a gun (including the 10% that already purchased). This data tells us that women are shopping for firearms. The shopping experience sales professionals provide at the gun counter is the difference between making the sale or losing the sale. You may never know that you’ve lost the sale, because women will silently leave and take their checkbook to your competitor.
SLG2 Consulting has training classes available for retailers to understand the shopping expectations of women and provides sales professionals the tips, techniques and tactics to make the sale. Here is an excerpt of the first lesson:
ENGAGE. Treat every woman in your store like she is the customer. Engage her with this question, “Do you (shoot, hunt, fish, camp, etc.)?” This simple engagement strategy is an acknowledgement to let them know you take them seriously as a consumer. This question also lets the sales associate gauge the level of experience and prevents unintentionally insulting an experienced shooter by treating her like a novice. Women often come into a male dominated retail environment with their guard up. The perception, emphasis on perception, is that they perceive they will be treated like they are ignorant and too weak to shoot a semi-automatic or a caliber over .22LR. I’ve visited well over 100 Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s locations; I can assure you the vast majority of sales professionals at the gun counters in those stores want to help women find a gun. However, the perception of the shoppers is the reality we must live in. Women shop completely different than men, there is a process. The SLG2 Consulting class explains this process step by step. One of those steps is “Women wait for help.” In secret shopper data collected by Shoot Like A Girl, the majority of the over 3,500 women shoppers stated they often feel (perceive) ignored at the gun counter. This isn’t because the guys at the gun counter are a bunch of grumpy old men; it is simply math. Since the data tells us only 24% of women are participating in shooting sports, sales professionals can easily make the mistake of thinking that a woman at the gun counter is there with someone else (their husband or boyfriend) and that they are not the customer; especially if she is standing back from the gun counter 4 to 5 feet…waiting to be helped. The engagement strategy of asking every woman in your store, “Do you (shoot, fish, hunt, camp, etc.)?” is a tested method to increase your sales to women. For the full course, visit and enroll today.
SLG2 Consulting maximize the experience and knowledge gained from building its sister brand, Shoot Like A Girl, to create strategies leading to growth for both corporations and individuals by providing Strategic Marketing; Research, Development and Testing for Product Development; Retail Sales Training; Employee Development and Mentoring Programs; and Wellness Training Programs (Refuse To Be A Victim Training and Basic Home Firearm Training).